Suricata 6.0.1 high packet loss

Thanks @syoc for your insights.
I made the following adjustments on the mpm side (no hyperscan available):

  • mpm-algo: ac-ks
  • detect.sgh-mpm-context: full

In the documentation online it is mentioned to increase ring-size all the way up to 100K. My largest packet according to stats.log = 1433. Running 48 threads = 10GB!!!
Choosing 10K makes more sense?

Have been running Suricata for +/- 1 hr now and I am at a dropped packet rate of 1.6%.
Certainly better than the 20-40% I came from. However, based on the amount of traffic max 2GB/s, with a potential increase to 10GB/s this is not so good.

Also CPU seems still high, although shows more details and leading to MPM?

I haven’t tried stream-bypass and maybe I should?

Also, before, I added this solution which did not work for me:

@syoc in regards to your question. Do you mean:


This is based after 15.000.0000 packets.

Correction on all of the above. Dealing with 64% packet drop :frowning:
Removed the ring-size / block size and I am back to “normal”