Just installed Suricata (6.0.10) from apt in Debian 12. Might upgrade to a newer Suricata soon, but for now i run with what apt provides.
For instance, the HOME_NET variable in suricata.yaml can be an array, like this
HOME_NET: "[,,]"
Thats implicitly OR between those nets.
What if i wanted an AND? Possibly even with a negated value, is that possible?
For instance something like this
Does that make sense? If possible, how do i write that?
12.1. Suricata.yaml — Suricata 8.0.0-dev documentation does not mention such cases.
Then, i would use this to alter some rules
alert http $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any ...
alert http $HOME_NET any -> $EXT_NOT_YAHOO any ...
Yahoo is just an example:)