Certain Snort2 official rules cannot be triggered while the same rule can be trigged in snort3

Please include the following information with your help request:

  • Suricata version : 8.0.0
  • Operating system and/or Linux distribution : WSL2.0 , ubuntu 22.04
  • How you installed Suricata : from source
    I have recently been testing a Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) and have used both Snort3 and Suricata to test the same HTTP network traffic. These packets were generated based on the official Snort rule set. However, after testing, I found that the same packet can trigger an alert in Snort3, but not in Suricata.
    For example, the following rule exists in the official Snort2 rule set (snort2-browser-plugins.rules):
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET $HTTP_PORTS -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"BROWSER-PLUGINS Microsoft Windows Image Acquisition Logger ActiveX clsid access"; flow:to_client,established; file_data; content:"A1E75357-881A-419E-83E2-BB16DB197C68"; fast_pattern:only; pcre:"/(<object\s*[^>]\sid\s*=\s*(?P<m1>\x22|\x27|)(?P<id1>.+?)(?P=m1)(\s|>)[^>]\sclassid\s*=\s*(?P<q1>\x22|\x27|)\sclsid\s\x3a\s*{?\sA1E75357-881A-419E-83E2-BB16DB197C68\s}?\s*(?P=q1)(\s|>).(?P=id1)\s.\s*(Save)|<object\s*[^>]\sclassid\s*=\s*(?P<q2>\x22|\x27|)\sclsid\s\x3a\s*{?\sA1E75357-881A-419E-83E2-BB16DB197C68\s}?\s*(?P=q2)(\s|>)[^>]\sid\s*=\s*(?P<m2>\x22|\x27|)(?P<id2>.+?)(?P=m2)(\s|>).(?P=id2).(Save))\s(/Osi"; metadata:policy max-detect-ips drop, service http; reference:bugtraq,31069; reference:cve,2008-3957; classtype:attempted-user; sid:14266; rev:12;)

And the Snort3 version of the same rule is:

alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET $HTTP_PORTS -> $HOME_NET any ( msg:"BROWSER-PLUGINS Microsoft Windows Image Acquisition Logger ActiveX clsid access"; flow:to_client,established; file_data; content:"A1E75357-881A-419E-83E2-BB16DB197C68",fast_pattern,nocase; pcre:"/(<object\s*[^>]\sid\s*=\s*(?P<m1>\x22|\x27|)(?P<id1>.+?)(?P=m1)(\s|>)[^>]\sclassid\s*=\s*(?P<q1>\x22|\x27|)\sclsid\s\x3a\s*{?\sA1E75357-881A-419E-83E2-BB16DB197C68\s}?\s*(?P=q1)(\s|>).(?P=id1)\s.\s*(Save)|<object\s*[^>]\sclassid\s*=\s*(?P<q2>\x22|\x27|)\sclsid\s\x3a\s*{?\sA1E75357-881A-419E-83E2-BB16DB197C68\s}?\s*(?P=q2)(\s|>)[^>]\sid\s*=\s*(?P<m2>\x22|\x27|)(?P<id2>.+?)(?P=m2)(\s|>).(?P=id2).(Save))\s(/Ois"; metadata:policy max-detect-ips drop; service:http; reference:bugtraq,31069; reference:cve,2008-3957; classtype:attempted-user; sid:14266; rev:12; )

The HTTP packet that should trigger these two alerts is:

GET /connecttest.txt HTTP/1.1
Connection: Close
User-Agent: Microsoft NCSI
Host: www.msftconnecttest.com
Content-Type: text
Content-Length: 227

    id=      fn+6e)*NE_B  
    classid =   
    <T;HBS:1FgQdW'C_fn+6e)*NE_B . \x53\x61\x76\x65

When using this HTTP packet for testing, I found that Snort3 can trigger the alert normally, but Snort2 cannot. Snort2 is using the default configuration.

I would like to ask if this is due to a problem with my environment setup, or if there are other reasons for this situations?

I appreciate you taking the time reading this topic . Please let me know if you have any insights or suggestions regarding the issue I’m facing with the Snort2 rule not being triggered. I sincerely appreciate any comments and I’m willing to provide more detailed informations if you need.

Is your question about Suricata alerting or not with Snort 2 and 3 rules?

When using this HTTP packet for testing, I found that Snort3 can trigger the alert normally, but Snort2 cannot
Or, are you asking a question about Snort 2 vs Snort 3?

Snort questions are better addressed here: Snort Community & Blog Network - Snort.org

THX for replying. I used snort2 rules for suricata and snort3 rules for snort3 software itself , which means that i set snort3 as an control condition. So the problem is that some http packets can be triggered by snort3 but not by suricata, and I was wandering that why this happened. Sorry that i haven’t explained clearly before.

Suricata’s refusing to load the first rule with an issue regarding the pcre content:

Error: detect-pcre: pcre2 compile of "/(<object\s*[^>]\sid\s*=\s*(?P<m1>\x22|\x27|)(?P<id1>.+?)(?P=m1)(\s|>)[^>]\sclassid\s*=\s*(?P<q1>\x22|\x27|)\sclsid\s\x3a\s*{?\sA1E75357-881A-419E-83E2-BB16DB197C68\s}?\s*(?P=q1)(\s|>).(?P=id1)\s.\s*(Save)|<object\s*[^>]\sclassid\s*=\s*(?P<q2>\x22|\x27|)\sclsid\s\x3a\s*{?\sA1E75357-881A-419E-83E2-BB16DB197C68\s}?\s*(?P=q2)(\s|>)[^>]\sid\s*=\s*(?P<m2>\x22|\x27|)(?P<id2>.+?)(?P=m2)(\s|>).(?P=id2).(Save))\s(/Osi" failed at offset 407: missing closing parenthesis [DetectPcreParse:detect-pcre.c:656]

I used the rule as-is (no-changes) from your post. Are you seeing this rule successfully load?

Can you run suricata -T -S /path/to/rule-file?

i am so sorry that it seems i uploaded a wrong rule. The correct rule could be successfully loaded by suricata. And here is the correct one.

alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET $HTTP_PORTS -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"BROWSER-PLUGINS Microsoft Windows Image Acquisition Logger ActiveX clsid access"; flow:to_client,established; file_data; content:"A1E75357-881A-419E-83E2-BB16DB197C68"; fast_pattern:only; pcre:"/(<object\s*[^>]*\s*id\s*=\s*(?P<m1>\x22|\x27|)(?P<id1>.+?)(?P=m1)(\s|>)[^>]*\s*classid\s*=\s*(?P<q1>\x22|\x27|)\s*clsid\s*\x3a\s*{?\s*A1E75357-881A-419E-83E2-BB16DB197C68\s*}?\s*(?P=q1)(\s|>).*(?P=id1)\s*\.\s*(Save)|<object\s*[^>]*\s*classid\s*=\s*(?P<q2>\x22|\x27|)\s*clsid\s*\x3a\s*{?\s*A1E75357-881A-419E-83E2-BB16DB197C68\s*}?\s*(?P=q2)(\s|>)[^>]*\s*id\s*=\s*(?P<m2>\x22|\x27|)(?P<id2>.+?)(?P=m2)(\s|>).*(?P=id2)\.(Save))\s*\(/Osi"; metadata:policy max-detect-ips drop, service http; reference:bugtraq,31069; reference:cve,2008-3957; classtype:attempted-user; sid:14266; rev:12;)

This one could be loaded by suricata successfully, but still cannot trigger the alarm of the packet.

Notice: suricata: This is Suricata version 8.0.0-dev running in SYSTEM mode [LogVersion:suricata.c:1156]
Notice: suricata: Configuration provided was successfully loaded. Exiting. [SuricataInit:suricata.c:2966]

Do you have a pcap that triggers an alert on your snort-2 system with this rule?

i don’t have a pcap that triggers the snort2 system. Like i said, the packet triggered the snort3 system but not triggered the snort2, and i had made some packet manually intend to triggered the snort2 rule but none of them succeed. These 2 days I am trying to use gdb to debug suricata but failed to find significant problems. I will try to build more simple packets to see if it could trigger the rule. And i will tell you if i have any new discovery.

A pcap demonstrating the problem is the best way to move forward with an issue like this.

Happy New Year! Sry to bother you in your holiday. I believe I may have identified the cause of this issue: there seems to be a potential problem with the rule’s matching logic for whitespace characters. To test this, I constructed two simple packets designed to trigger the rule. The .\s* part of the rule indicates that a dot can be followed by multiple whitespace characters. Below are the packets that did not trigger the rule and the one that did. The only difference is that approximately 60 whitespace characters were added after a dot in the latter.

untriggered http packet:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: SimpleHTTP/0.6 Python/3.10.12
Date: Sun, 05 Jan 2025 08:38:02 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 144

<object:id="qs:BPN" classid=clsid:A1E75357-881A-419E-83E2-BB16DB197C68>qs:BPN.                                                            Save(;
triggered http packet:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: SimpleHTTP/0.6 Python/3.10.12
Date: Sun, 05 Jan 2025 08:58:57 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 84

<object:id="qs:BPN" classid=clsid:A1E75357-881A-419E-83E2-BB16DB197C68>qs:BPN.Save(;

When a small number of whitespace characters are added, the rule is still triggered; however, when the number of whitespace characters increases (to around several dozen), no alert is generated.
Here are the detailed PCAP packets. To reproduce the issue, you can use the following command:

sudo suricata -k none -c /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml -S test_sid14266.rules -r triggered/untriggered.pcap -l logs

test_sid14266.rules (837 Bytes)
triggered.pcap (1.5 KB)
untriggered.pcap (1.7 KB)
All configurations used are the default settings of Suricata. The Suricata version is 8.0.0-dev, and the testing environment is Ubuntu 22.04. I conducted the tests on a PC with an Intel i5-13600 CPU. I am not sure if this could have any impact on performance.I suspect that there might be a subtle flaw in Suricata’s handling of whitespace matching, which could be causing this issue. I would greatly appreciate your thoughts on this matter. Thank you once again for your attention to this issue!

Thanks for supplying additional information – the pcap and the rules are quite helpful.

However, neither pcap triggers an alert (using suricata master as of Jan 5). I’ll try again with a different suri version shortly.

Today, I sent the pcap file to several colleagues and asked them to verify the phenomenon on their own computers. The results showed that the issue was successfully reproduced on both version 8.0.0-dev and version 7.0.8. We will continue to analyze the root cause, but we believe that you are obviously more familiar with the source code. If you need more detailed information about the reproduction, I will do my best to provide it to you.

Can you post the suricata.yaml file you’re using?

sure no problem
suricata.yaml (83.8 KB)

Thanks … I’m able to reproduce your results and will investigate further.

Sorry to bother you but long time no see!
Based on the issues I raised earlier, I have made some further modifications to the packets and uncovered more detailed problems. For specifics, please refer to this post .https://forum.suricata.io/t/suricata-may-have-issues-with-the-matching-of-in-some-pcre-patterns/5254. I believe it is necessary to keep you informed if you are still interested in this issue.