Newbie here. I’ve finally got a custom rules file set up and working, but having trouble with what I thought would be a simple rule:
alert dns $HOME_NET any → any any (msg:“SG POLICY mega.io lookup”; dns.query; content:“mega.io”; nocase; endswith; reference:url,mega.io; classtype:policy-violation; sid:1000000; rev:1; metadata:created_at 2022_10_18, updated_at 2022_10_18;)
I basically copied one of ET’s rules for a dns query to Dropbox, and just modified it and put it in my custom rules file.
I just want to know if someone on the network goes to mega.io, and figured that a DNS lookup would be a good way to alert me of that.
Just to be clear, when I point a browser to mega.io, the rule does not fire.
Now, I know that my custom rules file is working fine because I tried the following rule:
alert icmp any any → any any (msg: “ICMP Packet Found”
And it fired properly every time I tried to ping something.
So I’m guessing there’s something that I’m not missing (I’ve never written my own rules before - I’m very new to Suricata). Please ask any seemingly-obvious questions, because it’s very well possible that I’m missing something or have made incorrect assumptions or something.