Dynamic management of datasets

I’m trying to figure out how to manage datasets dynamically while Suricata is running. It looks like there is a dataset-add command that works over a domain socket. The documentation doesn’t list the symmetric dataset-delete command. Is this simply not yet implemented? Without the ability to remove data, it seems difficult to maintain a steady state of currently relevant data (other than performing periodic restarts).

Hi Matthias, welcome.

The remove/delete command is indeed not implemented yet. I’ve just opened a ticket here https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/issues/3635


If you’re willing to try dev code, I’ve done a first attempt here: https://github.com/OISF/suricata/pull/4822

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Thanks, I’m not yet ready to give it a shot, but great to see I can now start experimenting!

Quick update: Suricata 5.0.3 now has the removal support.