Error: nfq: nfq_create_queue failed and Error: nfq: nfq thread failed to initialize [ReceiveNFQThreadInit:source-nfq.c:742]

Please include the following information with your help request:

  • Suricata version: version 8.0.0-dev (45eb7e488 2024-09-24), lastest version from today 3 december 2024
  • Operating system and/or Linux distribution: alexandre@alexandre-Matebook:~/Téléchargements/suricata$ lsb_release -a
    No LSB modules are available.
    Distributor ID: Ubuntu
    Description: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
    Release: 24.04
    Codename: noble
  • How you installed Suricata (from source, packages, something else)
    by repository from github

i’ve this problem, and i dont ’ know why :

the commands which give this feedback in picture is : sudo /usr/bin/suricata -c /etc/suricata/suricata.yaml -q 0

my suricata.yaml file contains this :

  queue: 0
  mode: accept
#  repeat-mark: 1
#  repeat-mask: 1
#  bypass-mark: 1
#  bypass-mask: 1
#  route-queue: 2
#  batchcount: 20
#  fail-open: yes

could you help me ?

even removing : queue: 0, i’ve still the problem