There does not appear to be an option for esimport to give a sensor name.
I have several logical sensors (composed of more than one physical sensors) and I need to analyse the alerts separately. With barnyard there is a configuration option to give the sensor name.
One possible work around would be to have a different name for the eve.json file on each sensor as that does get logged. Another is to put the data into different indexes. Neither is ideal.
Its a bit unfortunate that it logs in the json file as host which conflicts iwth Filebeats concept of a host, but it might work for you provided you’re not mixing Logstash/Evebox added data with Filebeat added data.
I see the EveBox agent mode has a way to add custom field to each alert, but thats not in elastic-import. Time to unify these to tools at some point I think.
Thanks Jason! I missed that – since I am using evebox to import at the moment that will work for me. I generate my suricata.yaml file from and embedded ruby do using puppet which has the sensor name available. 10 second fix : )