Ish had been helping me(Komahal) with this in IRC. The first attempt was trying to do this with Windows. Evidently, there’s an issue with hash generation under Windows server. So I rebuilt Suricata under Ubuntu and now CentOS; and I’m seeing a similar issue.
What I am trying to accomplish is for Suricata to generate MD5/SHA1/SHA256 hashes and alert if it finds a matching hash in provided lists. I get threat intel that includes file hashes of known bad files.
So. CentOS v8 on VMWare ESXi 6.7, Suricata 5.0.4 installed from RPM.
From the Suricata.yaml:
- fast:
enabled: yes
filename: fast.log
append: yes
- eve-log:
enabled: yes
- files
force-hash: [md5, sha1, sha256]
- file-store:
version: 2
enabled: no
stream-depth: 0
- console:
enabled: yes
# type: json
- file:
enabled: yes
level: info
filename: suricata.log
- interface: ens224
- cluster-Id: 99
default config:
personality: IDS
# Can be specified in kb, mb, gb. Just a number indicates
# it's in bytes.
request-body-limit: 100mb
response-body-limit: 100mb
# inspection limits
request-body-minimal-inspect-size: 4kb
request-body-inspect-window: 4kb
response-body-minimal-inspect-size: 4kb
response-body-inspect-window: 4kb
memcap: 256mb
depth: 100mb
the rest is pretty much default.
the three rules I have added for capturing this kind of alert are as follows:
alert http any any -> any any (msg:"Black list checksum match MD5"; filemd5: /var/lib/suricata/hash/hash.md5; classtype: bad-unknown; sid: 2800; rev: 2;)
alert http any any -> any any (msg:"Black list checksum match SHA1"; filesha1: /var/lib/suricata/hash/hash.sha1; classtype: bad-unknown; sid: 2801; rev: 2;)
alert http any any -> any any (msg:"Black list checksum match SHA256"; filesha256: /var/lib/suricata/hash/hash.sha256; classtype: bad-unknown; sid: 2802; rev: 2;)
There are no startup errors related to the hash.*** files, if it couldn’t open them, it would tell me.
I added a specific MD5 hash to the blacklist to attempt to force an alert, so it is in there. all lower case. And when I download the file, in the eve.json, I see:
{**"timestamp":"2020-11-06T16:40:00.917299-0800"**,"flow_id":1493020505547753,"in_iface":"ens224","event_type":"fileinfo","src_ip":"","src_port":80,"dest_ip":"xx.xx.xx.x","dest_port":50944,"proto":"TCP","http":{"hostname":"","url":"\/centos\/8.2.2004\/AppStream\/x86_64\/kickstart\/Packages\/binutils-devel-2.30-73.el8.i686.rpm","http_user_agent":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/86.0.4240.183 Safari\/537.36 Edg\/86.0.622.63","http_content_type":"application\/x-rpm","http_refer":"http:\/\/\/centos\/8.2.2004\/AppStream\/x86_64\/kickstart\/Packages\/","http_method":"GET","protocol":"HTTP\/1.1","status":200,"length":1127224},"app_proto":"http","fileinfo":{"filename":"\/centos\/8.2.2004\/AppStream\/x86_64\/kickstart\/Packages\/binutils-devel-2.30-73.el8.i686.rpm","sid":[],"gaps":false,"state":"CLOSED","**md5":"af18dbf9930e4af5a582ce67faeb5248"**,"sha1":"459b763b394e22839711dc62dbed2bb0c5e17a91","sha256":"ebd171abacede5f59e69ee9e6d4afd16fd3b857d8f817d00833c85a289e38fbd","stored":false,"size":1127224,"tx_id":0}}
The hash is there. So that is working.
If I look at the fast.log corresponding to that timestamp, it should be between these two entries:
`11/06/2020-16:39:55.774388 [**] [1:2260002:1] SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction [**] [Classification: Generic Protocol Command Decode] [Priority: 3] {TCP} 10.xx.xx.xx:88 ->`
11/06/2020-16:40:05.768270 [**] [1:2260002:1] SURICATA Applayer Detect protocol only one direction [**] [Classification: Generic Protocol Command Decode] [Priority: 3] {TCP} 10.xx.xx.xx:88 ->
I’m doing something wrong, obviously, any ideas?