HTTP rules not working - Suricata + EC2 + VPC Mirroring

Hello Team,

I have a suritcata running on an AWS EC2 with VPC Mirroring.

Testing some rules I see that those that are of the type “alert tcp” work and those that “alert http” do not

Example :

alert tcp any any → any any (content: “passwd”; msg: “Testing 1 - tcp”; sid: 1; rev: 1;)

alert http any any → any any (content: “password”; msg: “Testing 2 - http”; sid: 2; rev: 1;)

Actually I care that HTTP works because I need to get the XFF header to display the actual IP.

IF there is another way to capture this header in the TCP payload I would love to know

I hope a help!


What version are you running and how does the config look like?
Can you share an example pcap that does not trigger but should?

maybe when you request,the request data is encode by ‘urlencode’,so use you rule could’t check on http

My some rules with wrote "base_decode or url_decode ",then “alert http…” is ok