I’m a fairly new Suricata user, so this may be a dumb question.
There’s an alert that I’m getting constantly that I’m pretty sure is a false positive. Here’s the rule (if that even matters to answer the question):
alert tls $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:"ET JA3 Hash - Possible Malware - Neutrino"; ja3_hash; content:"a7dfa1673bb090cab6b6658861f43473"; reference:url,github.com/trisulnsm/trisul-scripts/blob/master/lua/frontend_scripts/reassembly/ja3/prints/ja3fingerprint.json; reference:url,www.malware-traffic-analysis.net; classtype:unknown; sid:2028380; rev:2; metadata:created_at 2019_09_10, former_category JA3, updated_at 2019_10_29;)
And it’s generating tons of alerts every 10 minutes or so. The source IP is always a specific IP address on our network which is actually an HP Digital Printer: X.X.X.54. And there are several alerts that come up all at once - all to different destination IPs, which I’m assuming are associated with HP (side question - is there a ‘standard’ way/place to research IP addresses to see who they belong to or if they’re ‘friendly/legit’, etc.?). Here are a few of the IPs:
(And the reason I think it’s a false positive is because I believe that the Neutrino malware is PC malware, so it couldn’t be running on our digital printer, right?)
Anyway, if I’m correct about those IP addresses being HP addresses, I would like to stop alerts from coming in for this particular rule if one of those IP addresses are the ‘destination’. So I would still like to be alerted for this rule as long as the destination IP isn’t one of the ones that I would like to whitelist. And I don’t necessarily want to whitelist those IP addresses for everything…just for this one rule. Hopefully this makes sense.
What’s the best way to do this? Do I somehow manually edit the actual rule directly? Or do I somehow use modify.conf or something else?