No connection while IPS mode running

Hello !

I have trouble since few days with Suricata IPS in Af-packet mode. No Internet connection each times Suricata is working and impossible for traffic to pass through Suricata.

I’m working on Ubuntu Server 22.04 with a made bridge from 2 NIC and using Af-Packet to capture.

Build-info :

This is Suricata version 6.0.10 RELEASE
SIMD support: SSE_4_2 SSE_4_1 SSE_3
Atomic intrinsics: 1 2 4 8 16 byte(s)
64-bits, Little-endian architecture
GCC version 11.3.0, C version 201112
compiled with _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
L1 cache line size (CLS)=64
thread local storage method: _Thread_local
compiled with LibHTP v0.5.42, linked against LibHTP v0.5.42

Suricata Configuration:
  AF_PACKET support:                       yes
  eBPF support:                            no
  XDP support:                             no
  PF_RING support:                         no
  NFQueue support:                         no
  NFLOG support:                           no
  IPFW support:                            no
  Netmap support:                          no  using new api: no
  DAG enabled:                             no
  Napatech enabled:                        no
  WinDivert enabled:                       no

  Unix socket enabled:                     yes
  Detection enabled:                       yes

  Libmagic support:                        yes
  libnss support:                          no
  libnspr support:                         no
  libjansson support:                      yes
  hiredis support:                         no
  hiredis async with libevent:             no
  Prelude support:                         no
  PCRE jit:                                yes
  LUA support:                             no
  libluajit:                               no
  GeoIP2 support:                          no
  Non-bundled htp:                         no
  Hyperscan support:                       no
  Libnet support:                          yes
  liblz4 support:                          no
  HTTP2 decompression:                     no

  Rust support:                            yes
  Rust strict mode:                        no
  Rust compiler path:                      /usr/bin/rustc
  Rust compiler version:                   rustc 1.65.0
  Cargo path:                              /usr/bin/cargo
  Cargo version:                           cargo 1.65.0
  Cargo vendor:                            yes

  Python support:                          yes
  Python path:                             /usr/bin/python3
  Install suricatactl:                     yes
  Install suricatasc:                      yes
  Install suricata-update:                 yes

  Profiling enabled:                       no
  Profiling locks enabled:                 no

  Plugin support (experimental):           yes

Development settings:
  Coccinelle / spatch:                     no
  Unit tests enabled:                      no
  Debug output enabled:                    no
  Debug validation enabled:                no

Generic build parameters:
  Installation prefix:                     /usr
  Configuration directory:                 /etc/suricata/
  Log directory:                           /var/log/suricata/

  --prefix                                 /usr
  --sysconfdir                             /etc
  --localstatedir                          /var
  --datarootdir                            /usr/share

  Host:                                    x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
  Compiler:                                gcc (exec name) / g++ (real)
  GCC Protect enabled:                     no
  GCC march native enabled:                yes
  GCC Profile enabled:                     no
  Position Independent Executable enabled: no
  CFLAGS                                   -g -O2 -std=c11 -march=native -I${srcdir}/../rust/gen -I${srcdir}/../rust/dist
  PCAP_CFLAGS                               -I/usr/include

My rules (just testing rules) :

drop icmp any any → any ( msg:“Ping Droppé”; sid:2; )
alert icmp any any → any any ( msg:“Ping loggué”; sid:3; )

All my trafic is dropped but not shown into logs files, this kind of message appears in eve.json


but it’s really not helpfull (to me) to find problem origin, i don’t know wich rule triggers that behavior.

Does anyone knows why I have this problem now ?
Thanks !

I’m sur the problem is coming from my bridge or the AF-Packet configuration with the bridge.

Suricata behavior is good when I remove bridge on twice Ubuntu NIC, It reacts to my rules perfectly and leave connection in peace while running command…

Is there an other way to define AF-Packet function ? Because i’m (almost) sure I’ve done the right thing, I don’t find what’s different on SuricataReadTheDocs…

  - interface: enp2s0f0
    threads: 1
    cluster-id: 98
    cluster-type: cluster_flow
    defrag: no
    use-mmap: yes
    copy-mode: ips
    copy-iface: enp2s0f1

  - interface: enp2s0f1
    cluster-id: 97
    threads: 1
    cluster-type: cluster_flow
    defrag: no
    use-mmap: yes
    copy-mode: ips
    copy-iface: enp2s0f0

Thanks a lot !

Are you using a linux bridge in addition to a Suricata AF_PACKET bridge?

Yes exactly, do I have to build the bridge an other way?

Edit : af-packet is copying interfaces not the bridge, the bridge isn’t mentioned in suricata.yaml

It’s not necessary to create a Linux bridge when using Suricata and AF_PACKET.


Indeed, but if the service is stopped due to an error or other reason in transparent mode, the traffic can no longer pass through the device.

To avoid this situation I’ve created a service that checks Suricata’s status, if the service is active the Linux bridge is removed and if it’s not it creates the Linux bridge.

When I’m back at the office I’ll can describe my process precisely and include the scripts.
I didn’t have a better idea, if you have a better one I’m interested.

Thanks and have a nice day!