Please include the following information with your help request:
Suricata version 7.0.6
Operating system and/or Linux distribution ubuntu 20.04
How you installed Suricata (from source, packages, something else)
from source,
Currently trying to configure global thresholding,
meaning to only alert if 40 counts in 20 seconds
which i tried in the thresholding config
Thanks for the reply, well currently what im observing is that its ignoring the rule, lets say [Suricata: Alert - ET USER_AGENTS Go HTTP Client User-Agent] appears around 3 times and i get alerted, when it should only get alerted if appears 40 times in 20 seconds
If the intended behaviour is that you want alerts only if the amount of hits exceeds 40 per 20 seconds, you might want the threshold type keyword, not limit. Using limit causes you to never get more than 40 alerts per 20 second window.
but when i restart i get this warning as it shows all the SID warning
Warning: threshold-config: signature sid:2403371 has an event var set. The signature event var is given precedence over the threshold.conf one. We'll change this in the future though.
Please share your current active configuration (suricata.yaml) and the location and contents of the threshold.config file. According to your previously posted config it is expected in /etc/suricata/threshold.config.
How do you notice that the thresholds are being ignored?