Remember Past SuriCons With Us - And Don't Forget Our Call for Talks!

We want everyone from our community to get as excited about SuriCon 2024 and its celebrations as we are.

So we’ve gathered some memories and a bit of history on how our Community and User Conference came to be into a blog post, check it out! Remember Past SuriCons With Us - Suricata

This is also a good opportunity to remind all that the Call for Talks for this year’s SuriCon is still open, and we plan on closing it on June 15, so we have time to review all submissions when we meet in Amsterdam the following week.

Many times these talks have helped shape the future of Suricata, shared what would become successful integrator solutions, or showcased people’s work for professional opportunities - in other words, they’re great floor to share new projects, Suricata use cases, academic work, and even present and future challenges.

Submit your talk proposal, and share the Suricata love with us all: Call for Talks – SURICON :smiley: