I asked the same question abut TLS SNI on #suricata IRC channel a week or so ago, perhaps this is related? Anyways I found the solution to this issue and wrote the rule which seems to be working so far.
Here is the body of the rule:
flow: established,to_server;
content: "|16 03 01|";depth: 3;
content: "|01|";distance: 2;within: 1;
byte_jump: 1, 37, relative, big;
byte_jump: 2, 0, relative, big;
byte_jump: 1, 0, relative, big;
byte_extract: 2, 0, ext_len, relative, big;
content: !"|00 00|";distance: 0;within: 2;isdataat: 1, relative;
byte_jump: 2, 2, relative, big;
content: !"|00 00|";distance: 0;within: 2;isdataat: 1, relative;
byte_jump: 2, 2, relative, big;
content: !"|00 00|";distance: 0;within: 2;isdataat: 1, relative;
byte_jump: 2, 2, relative, big;
content: !"|00 00|";distance: 0;within: 2;isdataat: 1, relative;
byte_jump: 2, 2, relative, big;
content: !"|00 00|";distance: 0;within: 2;isdataat: 1, relative;
byte_jump: 2, 2, relative, big;
threshold: type limit, track by_src, seconds 10, count 1;
There are more details about this rule in blog post written about evading internet scanners.