Some minor memory fixes


We’ve found two potential memory leaks here: src/conf-yaml-loader.c:551 ConfYamlLoadFileWithPrefix() function
and here: src/detect-engine.c:3893 DetectEngineMultiTenantReloadTenant() function

all in master branch, so we’ve forked the repository and created two branches with small fixes.

What’s the best way to let these small fixes be in original Suricata repository?

Thanks a lot!

The preferred way would be a pull request over at GitHub, GitHub - OISF/suricata: Suricata is a network Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion Prevention System and Network Security Monitoring engine developed by the OISF and the Suricata community.. We have a contributing guide as well: 27.2. Contributing — Suricata 8.0.0-dev documentation
