Special Series: Pre-SuriCon Webinars - starting August 8th!

After a record number of talk submissions for SuriCon 2024 in Madrid, we did our best to accommodate as many of the great submissions as we could. But we were still short on talk slots for our 3-day conference.

As we didn’t want you - nor us! - to miss the cool topics we were seeing, and considering that some of them would benefit from a longer talk format, we are introducing the Pre-SuriCon Webinar Series this year.

We invited these speakers to move their talks to a webinar format, and starting this Thursday until October, we’ll have pre-SuriCon webinars: 1-hour long talks with a variety of topics we love to hear during SuriCon. The presenters were also invited to attend SuriCon in person, so, if you like their presentation and would like to discuss more live, you’ll get the chance to do that in November, in Madrid!

We kick start this cool series on August 8th, tomorrow, with Dr. Amine Berqia, Full Professor at ENSIAS, and his team and colleagues Habiba Bouijij, Oussama Ismaili and Manar Chahbi, from the University Mohammed V in Rabat, Morocco. He’ll share his experience with the Smart IDS project, for developing an intelligent Intrusion Detection System (IDS) using Suricata and machine learning techniques.

Make sure to check this webinar if you’re interested in the usage of AI techniques to improve network detection tools, and to start warming up for our 10th SuriCon!

This is a free Suricata webinar via the Zoom platform.

Save the date:
August 8th
Register: Webinar Registration - Zoom

Stay tuned for the next webinars on this special series!

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Missed the webinar? Never fear!

The record is up on YouTube to be watched, re-watched and shared:

Curious for more?

Stay tuned and save the date for the upcoming one with Pim Sanders from Fox-IT on August 29th: “Automating Suricata Rule Validation with Dierentuin and Zoo”. Registrations open soon.