Stream.fin_but_no_session anomaly

I’m running suricata 6.0.6 in-line with NFQ on ubuntu - I’ve been running this setup for about 3 years. The Ubuntu device is my router and does NAT, FW, and of course IPS. It’s not terribly taxed - maxes at 50% usage and memory ( small office setup).

I get an occasional websites on the LAN side that ‘hangs’ while browsing and my solution has been to address it in iptables before entering the NFQUEUE rule. I had some time to look into further and what I see are a bunch of anomaly packets that may be the cause.
This example is browsing the from the .199 host


Edit to Post: My working theory now is that the anomaly detection is what’s causing these packets in getting ‘lost’

Anybody have any thoughts or similar experiences as to what I should try/how to mitigate?

Can you share your suricata config file and how you run it?
And yes you might try running without the anomaly feature for some time to check if it’s the cause.

Yes, I have one line in my iptables after some housekeeping rules and blacklist blocks to send traffic to suricata

iptables -A FORWARD -m mark ! --mark 1/1 -j NFQUEUE

and using the attached config file - just minor tweaking from the default
suricata.yaml (72.2 KB)

Any thoughts are appreciated

And how do you start Suricata?
Can you also post the stats.log?
And try runs without anomaly enabled

Thank you, suricata is started at boot time, right after the iptables rules are setup ( in the same script tha builds the iptables rules)



Regarding the stats; below are the stats right after the timestamp I posted originally, and below that are current stats with 4 days of uptime.

I’ll play with turning off anomaly detection. - That’s still my working theory.

Date: 8/19/2022 -- 19:25:13 (uptime: 0d, 00h 05m 41s)
Counter                                       | TM Name                   | Value
decoder.pkts                                  | Total                     | 29986
decoder.bytes                                 | Total                     | 17292214
decoder.ipv4                                  | Total                     | 29986
decoder.tcp                                   | Total                     | 29384
decoder.udp                                   | Total                     | 602
decoder.avg_pkt_size                          | Total                     | 576
decoder.max_pkt_size                          | Total                     | 1500
flow.tcp                                      | Total                     | 323
flow.udp                                      | Total                     | 465
flow.wrk.spare_sync_avg                       | Total                     | 100
flow.wrk.spare_sync                           | Total                     | 9
stream.fin_but_no_session                     | Total                     | 976
stream.rst_but_no_session                     | Total                     | 167
flow.wrk.flows_evicted                        | Total                     | 25
tcp.sessions                                  | Total                     | 25
tcp.syn                                       | Total                     | 64
tcp.synack                                    | Total                     | 188
tcp.rst                                       | Total                     | 167
detect.alert                                  | Total                     | 16486
detect.alerts_suppressed                      | Total                     | 9
app_layer.flow.ntp                            | Total                     | 3
app_layer.flow.failed_udp                     | Total                     | 462
ips.accepted                                  | Total                     | 28833
ips.blocked                                   | Total                     | 1152
flow.mgr.full_hash_pass                       | Total                     | 2
flow.spare                                    | Total                     | 9593
flow.mgr.rows_maxlen                          | Total                     | 2
flow.mgr.flows_checked                        | Total                     | 709
flow.mgr.flows_notimeout                      | Total                     | 216
flow.mgr.flows_timeout                        | Total                     | 493
flow.mgr.flows_evicted                        | Total                     | 493
tcp.memuse                                    | Total                     | 2424832
tcp.reassembly_memuse                         | Total                     | 393216
flow.memuse                                   | Total                     | 7394304

Date: 8/31/2022 -- 09:15:03 (uptime: 4d, 23h 54m 02s)
Counter                                       | TM Name                   | Value
decoder.pkts                                  | Total                     | 75819727
decoder.bytes                                 | Total                     | 85239790878
decoder.ipv4                                  | Total                     | 75819742
decoder.ethernet                              | Total                     | 7
decoder.tcp                                   | Total                     | 27987695
decoder.udp                                   | Total                     | 47832032
decoder.gre                                   | Total                     | 15
decoder.avg_pkt_size                          | Total                     | 1124
decoder.max_pkt_size                          | Total                     | 2215
flow.tcp                                      | Total                     | 302962
flow.udp                                      | Total                     | 830303
flow.wrk.spare_sync_avg                       | Total                     | 100
flow.wrk.spare_sync                           | Total                     | 10385
decoder.event.tcp.opt_invalid_len             | Total                     | 8
stream.fin_but_no_session                     | Total                     | 1020320
stream.rst_but_no_session                     | Total                     | 148213
stream.pkt_broken_ack                         | Total                     | 13838
flow.wrk.flows_evicted                        | Total                     | 94999
tcp.sessions                                  | Total                     | 19123
tcp.syn                                       | Total                     | 27363
tcp.synack                                    | Total                     | 253629
tcp.rst                                       | Total                     | 161976
detect.alert                                  | Total                     | 21847027
detect.alerts_suppressed                      | Total                     | 157
app_layer.flow.ntp                            | Total                     | 9115
app_layer.tx.ntp                              | Total                     | 15
app_layer.flow.tftp                           | Total                     | 8
app_layer.tx.tftp                             | Total                     | 7
app_layer.flow.ikev2                          | Total                     | 1
app_layer.tx.ikev2                            | Total                     | 1
app_layer.flow.dhcp                           | Total                     | 218
app_layer.tx.dhcp                             | Total                     | 988
app_layer.flow.sip                            | Total                     | 158
app_layer.tx.sip                              | Total                     | 158
app_layer.flow.dcerpc_udp                     | Total                     | 1
app_layer.flow.dns_udp                        | Total                     | 59
app_layer.tx.dns_udp                          | Total                     | 63
app_layer.flow.failed_udp                     | Total                     | 820743
ips.accepted                                  | Total                     | 74556704
ips.blocked                                   | Total                     | 1262887
flow.mgr.full_hash_pass                       | Total                     | 1799
flow.spare                                    | Total                     | 10867
flow.mgr.rows_maxlen                          | Total                     | 3
flow.mgr.flows_checked                        | Total                     | 1326251
flow.mgr.flows_notimeout                      | Total                     | 288172
flow.mgr.flows_timeout                        | Total                     | 1038079
flow.mgr.flows_evicted                        | Total                     | 1038079
tcp.memuse                                    | Total                     | 2424832
tcp.reassembly_memuse                         | Total                     | 393216
flow.memuse                                   | Total                     | 7806464