Suricata 6.0.3 never stops under FreeBSD

Good morning,

I have installed Suricata 6.0.3 under FreeBSD 13-p3 host from source using the following compìle options:

./configure --prefix=/opt/suricata --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --disable-gccmarch-native --enable-profiling --enable-profiling-locks --enable-netmap --enable-pie --enable-rust --enable-gccprotect --disable-suricata-update.

All works ok except when I try to stop suricata process:

+ echo 'kill -TERM 1015'
+ _doit='kill -TERM 1015'
+ _run_rc_doit 'kill -TERM 1015'
+ debug 'run_rc_command: doit: kill -TERM 1015'
+ eval 'kill -TERM 1015'
+ kill -TERM 1015
+ _return=0
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ return 0
+ wait_for_pids 1015
+ local _list _prefix _nlist _j
+ _list=1015
+ [ -z 1015 ]
+ _prefix=''
+ true
+ _nlist=''
+ kill -0 1015
+ _nlist=1015
+ [ -n '' ]
+ [ -z 1015 ]
+ _list=1015
+ echo -n 'Waiting for PIDS: 1015'
Waiting for PIDS: 1015+ _prefix=', '
+ pwait 1015

Suricata process never stops. I am using the following script to start/stop/restart Suricata:

# $FreeBSD$

# PROVIDE: suricata
# KEYWORD: shutdown

# Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf to enable suricata:
# suricata_enable (bool):       Set to YES to enable suricata
#                               Default: NO
# suricata_flags (str):         Extra flags passed to suricata
#                               Default: -D
# suricata_interface (str):     Network interface(s) to sniff
#                               Default: ""
# suricata_conf (str):          Suricata configuration file
#                               Default: ${PREFIX}/etc/suricata/suricata.yaml
# suricata_divertport (int):    Port to create divert socket (Inline Mode)
#                               Default: 8000
# suricata_netmap (str):        Set to YES to enable netmap (Inline Mode)
#                               Default: NO
# suricata_user (str):          Set the user to run suricata as
#                               Default: root
# suricata_pidfile (str):       Pidfile to store pid of suricata process
#                               Default: /var/run/

. /etc/rc.subr



load_rc_config $name

[ -z "$suricata_enable" ]       && suricata_enable="NO"
[ -z "$suricata_conf" ]         && suricata_conf="%%PREFIX%%/etc/suricata/suricata.yaml"
[ -z "$suricata_flags" ]        && suricata_flags="-D"
[ -z "$suricata_divertport" ]   && suricata_divertport="8000"
[ -z "$suricata_netmap" ]       && suricata_netmap="NO"
[ -z "$suricata_user" ]         && suricata_user="root"
[ -z "$suricata_pidfile" ]      && suricata_pidfile="/var/run/"

if [ -n "$suricata_interface" ]; then
        for interface in $suricata_interface; do
                suricata_flags="$suricata_flags --pcap=$interface"
elif [ "$suricata_netmap" != "NO" ]; then
        suricata_flags="$suricata_flags --netmap"
        suricata_flags="$suricata_flags -d $suricata_divertport"
        info "Inline Mode on divert port $suricata_divertport (suricata_interface not defined)"

suricata_flags="$suricata_flags --pidfile $pidfile"

[ -n "$suricata_conf" ] && suricata_flags="$suricata_flags -c $suricata_conf"

	rm -f /nsm/suricata/*
        if ! run_rc_command status > /dev/null; then
                rm -f "$pidfile"

run_rc_command "$1"

Some time ago, I have reported the same issue:Suricata never stops under FreeBSD 13.

Same config, compile options and start/stop script works without problem using Suricata 5.0.7. Where is the issue?


Pleasy, any help regarding this issue?

Sorry, I don’t have an answer for you, but maybe someone else can help. Can you let us know if you are using pcap mode or netmap? Also, have you reported this to the FreeBSD port maintainer?


Hi @ish ,

Thanks for your help … I am using netmap as packet capture option. I have installed Suricata from source code, not using FreeBSD ports …


Hi all,

Maybe my problem is related to this issue: Bug #4478: Netmap IPS mode in Suricata 6.x ceases to pass traffic after a short, variable period of time on FreeBSD-12 - Suricata - Open Information Security Foundation ?