Please include the following information with your help request:
- Suricata version : 7.0.8
- Operating system and/or Linux distribution: Oracle Linux 9
- How you installed Suricata (from source, packages, something else): Oracle Linux Yum Repository
If I make changes to HOME_NET & BPF Filter can commands mentioned in 9.3. Rule Reloads — Suricata 7.0.8 documentation would pick up that change?
And if yes, what kind of log message\command should I check to confirm the change?
Further information:
- In our environment, we monitor multiple network interfaces along with bpf filter.
- In certain situation, an interface can have frequent IP address change
- That would mean we need to change HOME_NET AND bpf filter
- Currently we achieve that by restarting suricata
- But we want avoid it if possible
- Is it possible suricata would consider changed bpf filter and HOME_NET through some other command other than restart?
Thanks in advance!