How can I block the Nmap scanner via Suricata-IDS? Any rule exist?
Thank you.
How can I block the Nmap scanner via Suricata-IDS? Any rule exist?
Thank you.
Have a look at: Try to check nmap scan with suricata
Seems like Emerging Threats have some nmap rules. You can try changing the alert keyword to drop.
No default rule?
Suricata-IDS can’t detect Nmap?
Hi Jason,
There is no one default rule because NMAP uses many different techniques to scan, so it wouldn’t be possible to do this with a single signature. You would likely need some combination of signatures + Suricata’s IDS decoder events. If you do find a specific NMAP technique (or any scanner, tool, vulnerability PoC &c) that we do not have Suricata coverage for, please submit a request for coverage to either support@emergingthreats.net or through our feedback portal at https://feedback.emergingthreats.net with the specific technique that is not detected, and ideally a PCAP of the traffic for us to analyze.
Best Regards,
Thank you, but the Suricata-IDS could provide some of the rules against popular Nmap scan technique!!!
I think the Snort can detect some of the Nmap scans: https://frankfu.click/security/ids/how-to-detect-nmap-scan-using-snort.html#:~:text=IDENTIFY%20NMAP%20PING%20SCAN&text=Therefore%20be%20smart%20and%20add,rule%20file%20in%20text%20editor
Hi Jason,
Looking at these rules, I see a few problems:
What problem? They are not working properly?
Looks like my email response got cutoff. Reposting the full response in the Discourse Web which explains it:
Hi Jason,
Looking at these rules, I see a few problems:
Still, I’ll inquire with our threat research team to see if there’s anything we can do to detect the techniques in a reliable manner.
Thanks to you and Suricata-IDS team.