Suricata installion done but getting issue with how to monitor

Please include the following information with your help request:

  • Suricata version = 7.07
  • Operating system and/or Linux distribution = Linux
  • How you installed Suricata (from source, packages, something else) = from official documentation

Could you clarify your question?

Suricata’s configuration file instructs Suricata for log and alert handling. The values it contains will indicate where the generated content (logs/alerts) is placed.

Yes, what you said is correct but I want to know how to setup the alerts if the network after the installation

I’m not sure what you’re asking.

“Setup the alerts” usually means instructing Suricata on handling the alerts through the configuration file by specifying where/how they’re communicated (to a file, to a network socket).

Are you looking for a Suricata ruleset to detect and generate alerts? If so, there are many sources; many people use rules from Proofpoint/Emerging Threats (they have a free and paid rulesets).

What I’m saying is I have installed suricata in my linux server , after the installation I want to know the next process? I have got some files after the insallations i.e. suricata.yaml, rules folder. orelse can you provide me end to end setup of suricata i.e opensource. orelse can you provide local.rules file

Proofpoint provides the ET/Open ruleset. You can use suricata-update to download and curate a single rules file.

Suricata-update documentation