Suricata json stats


We use suricata with following rules to intercept HTTP traffic for further analysis:

  • alert http any any -> any any (http_content_type; content:"application/json"; sid:7;)
  • alert http any any -> any any (http_content_type; content:"application/ld+json"; sid:8;)
  • alert http any any -> any any (http_content_type; content:"application/x-httpd-php"; sid:9;)
  • alert http any any -> any any (http_content_type; content:"application/xml"; sid:10;)
  • alert http any any -> any any (http_content_type; content:"application/xhtml+xml"; sid:11;)
  • alert http any any -> any any (http_content_type; content:"text/plain"; sid:12;)
  • alert http any any -> any any (http_content_type; content:"text/html"; sid:13;)
  • alert http any any -> any any (http_content_type; content:"text/xml"; sid:14;)
  • alert http any any -> any any (http_content_type; content:"text/csv"; sid:15;)
  • alert http any any -> any any (content:"POST"; http_method; sid:16;)
  • pass http any any -> any any (msg:"IMAGE"; http_content_type; content:"image"; filestore; sid:1;)
  • pass http any any -> any any (msg:"VIDEO"; http_content_type; content:"video"; filestore; sid:2;)

Every 30 sec suricata updates stats.json file

  enabled: yes
  interval: 30

  - eve-log:
      enabled: yes
      filetype: regular
      filename: stats.json
        - stats:
            totals: yes
            threads: no
            deltas: no

However calculated rates (per second) of app_layer.flow.http seem unrealistic, around 10/s and 50 times lower compared to tcp.sessions.
This fact poses below questions:

  • are listed configuration and rules valid?
  • does app_layer.flow.http represent processed http packets? or sessions?
  • what is the difference between app_layer.flow.http and app_layer.tx.http?
  • is there complete stats fields description?

Any clarification will be highly appreciated.

Hi Mario,

regarding your last point - I had similar question a couple of weeks ago, it’s a WIP, you can find some info here

Thanks @arcot I’ll keep monitoring that thread.
However last update was 2 years ago.