Suricata not recognising packets, but tshark does

Hello, I am trying to make suricata run on a raspberry pi 4. I have downloaded and installed suricata, and have added a custom rule which detects when any ICMP packet enters the network.

alert icmp any any -> any any (msg: "ICMP Packet found";)

I then sent ICMP packets across my network, the network is set up so that the raspberry pi monitors all traffic on the network.

When I sent 500 ICMP packets, suricata did not pick them up (the console said that only 2 packets had been captured) , however when I repeated the test using tshark, tshark was able to capture the packets. I am confused as to why Suricata is not picking the packets up, yet tshark is.

This is a known issue – see

Try these rules (to match icmp echoes and replies)

alert icmp any any -> any any (itype: 0; sid:1;)
alert icmp any any -> any any (itype: 8; sid:2;)

Unfortunately, nothing change when adding these rules.

I sent 500 ICMP packets to on the network. The pi only picked up 24.

The fast.log is not being populated.

Strange, the amount of packets being detected is diffrent between the cli and the stats.log

Date: 6/10/2020 -- 09:37:56 (uptime: 0d, 00h 17m 55s)
Counter                                    | TM Name                   | Value
capture.kernel_packets                     | Total                     | 2878
decoder.pkts                               | Total                     | 2878
decoder.bytes                              | Total                     | 239250
decoder.ipv4                               | Total                     | 2794
decoder.ipv6                               | Total                     | 84
decoder.ethernet                           | Total                     | 2878
decoder.tcp                                | Total                     | 680
decoder.udp                                | Total                     | 188
decoder.icmpv4                             | Total                     | 2000
decoder.icmpv6                             | Total                     | 5
decoder.avg_pkt_size                       | Total                     | 83
decoder.max_pkt_size                       | Total                     | 1314
flow.tcp                                   | Total                     | 120
flow.udp                                   | Total                     | 64
flow.icmpv4                                | Total                     | 2
flow.icmpv6                                | Total                     | 1
decoder.ipv4.opt_pad_required              | Total                     | 5
decoder.ipv6.zero_len_padn                 | Total                     | 5
tcp.synack                                 | Total                     | 118
tcp.rst                                    | Total                     | 2
app_layer.flow.dhcp                        | Total                     | 3
app_layer.tx.dhcp                          | Total                     | 6
app_layer.flow.failed_udp                  | Total                     | 61
flow_mgr.new_pruned                        | Total                     | 115
flow_mgr.est_pruned                        | Total                     | 1
flow.spare                                 | Total                     | 10000
flow_mgr.flows_checked                     | Total                     | 4
flow_mgr.flows_notimeout                   | Total                     | 4
flow_mgr.rows_checked                      | Total                     | 65536
flow_mgr.rows_skipped                      | Total                     | 65532
flow_mgr.rows_maxlen                       | Total                     | 1
tcp.memuse                                 | Total                     | 2031616
tcp.reassembly_memuse                      | Total                     | 294912
flow.memuse                                | Total                     | 6611344

I was reviewing troubleshooting methods from my last post and when I run
ls -ld

I get the error
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token newline’`

Let’s try the following

  • Stop Suricata
  • Remove fast.log
  • Start Suricata
  • Replay/Send ICMP packets
  • Stop Suricata and note the packet processed value it reports
  • Compare (from fast.log) capture.kernel_packets, decoder.pkts, decoder.ethernet, decoder.icmpv4 (or icmpv6)


  • Does you pi have 2 interfaces? (wired and wireless)
  • Where are you running tshark from – the pi?

Stoped Suricata
Ran sudo rm /var/log/suricata/fast.log
Ran sudo suricata -i eth0
Replayed the ICMP packets.
Suricata notes 2 packets recorded
fast.log created, but nothing recorded (empty file).

Terminal Output

10/6/2020 -- 13:26:12 - <Notice> - This is Suricata version 4.1.2 RELEASE
10/6/2020 -- 13:26:14 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'ET.JS.Obfus.Func' is checked but not set. Checked in 2017246 and 1 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:26:14 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'et.http.PK' is checked but not set. Checked in 2019835 and 3 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:26:14 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'HTTP.UncompressedFlash' is checked but not set. Checked in 2016396 and 3 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:26:14 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'et.WinHttpRequest' is checked but not set. Checked in 2019822 and 1 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:26:14 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'ET.wininet.UA' is checked but not set. Checked in 2021312 and 0 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:26:14 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'et.MS.XMLHTTP.ip.request' is checked but not set. Checked in 2022050 and 1 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:26:14 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit '' is checked but not set. Checked in 2022053 and 0 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:26:14 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit '' is checked but not set. Checked in 2022653 and 0 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:26:14 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'et.IE7.NoRef.NoCookie' is checked but not set. Checked in 2023671 and 9 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:26:14 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit '' is checked but not set. Checked in 2017150 and 4 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:26:14 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'et.JavaArchiveOrClass' is checked but not set. Checked in 2017768 and 11 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:26:14 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'et.MCOFF' is checked but not set. Checked in 2019837 and 1 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:26:14 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'min.gethttp' is checked but not set. Checked in 2023711 and 0 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:26:14 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'ET.armwget' is checked but not set. Checked in 2024241 and 1 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:26:22 - <Notice> - all 4 packet processing threads, 4 management threads initialized, engine started.
10/6/2020 -- 13:30:59 - <Notice> - This is Suricata version 4.1.2 RELEASE
10/6/2020 -- 13:31:01 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'ET.JS.Obfus.Func' is checked but not set. Checked in 2017246 and 1 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:31:01 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'et.http.PK' is checked but not set. Checked in 2019835 and 3 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:31:01 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'HTTP.UncompressedFlash' is checked but not set. Checked in 2016396 and 3 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:31:01 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'et.WinHttpRequest' is checked but not set. Checked in 2019822 and 1 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:31:01 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'ET.wininet.UA' is checked but not set. Checked in 2021312 and 0 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:31:01 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'et.MS.XMLHTTP.ip.request' is checked but not set. Checked in 2022050 and 1 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:31:01 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit '' is checked but not set. Checked in 2022053 and 0 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:31:01 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit '' is checked but not set. Checked in 2022653 and 0 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:31:01 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'et.IE7.NoRef.NoCookie' is checked but not set. Checked in 2023671 and 9 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:31:01 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit '' is checked but not set. Checked in 2017150 and 4 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:31:01 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'et.JavaArchiveOrClass' is checked but not set. Checked in 2017768 and 11 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:31:01 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'et.MCOFF' is checked but not set. Checked in 2019837 and 1 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:31:01 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'min.gethttp' is checked but not set. Checked in 2023711 and 0 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:31:01 - <Warning> - [ERRCODE: SC_WARN_FLOWBIT(306)] - flowbit 'ET.armwget' is checked but not set. Checked in 2024241 and 1 other sigs
10/6/2020 -- 13:31:09 - <Notice> - all 4 packet processing threads, 4 management threads initialized, engine started.
10/6/2020 -- 13:31:23 - <Notice> - Signal Received.  Stopping engine.
10/6/2020 -- 13:31:25 - <Notice> - Stats for 'eth0':  pkts: 2, drop: 0 (0.00%), invalid chksum: 0

Date: 6/10/2020 – 13:33:58 (uptime: 0d, 00h 07m 46s)
Counter | TM Name | Value
capture.kernel_packets | Total | 2161
decoder.pkts | Total | 2161
decoder.bytes | Total | 151738
decoder.ipv4 | Total | 2119
decoder.ipv6 | Total | 42
decoder.ethernet | Total | 2161
decoder.udp | Total | 142
decoder.icmpv4 | Total | 2000
decoder.icmpv6 | Total | 14
decoder.avg_pkt_size | Total | 70
decoder.max_pkt_size | Total | 385
flow.udp | Total | 36
flow.icmpv4 | Total | 1
flow.icmpv6 | Total | 4
decoder.ipv4.opt_pad_required | Total | 5
decoder.ipv6.zero_len_padn | Total | 10
app_layer.flow.dhcp | Total | 6
app_layer.tx.dhcp | Total | 32
app_layer.flow.failed_udp | Total | 30
flow_mgr.new_pruned | Total | 36
flow_mgr.est_pruned | Total | 2
flow.spare | Total | 10000
flow_mgr.rows_checked | Total | 65536
flow_mgr.rows_skipped | Total | 65536
tcp.memuse | Total | 2031616
tcp.reassembly_memuse | Total | 294912
flow.memuse | Total | 6595024

The pi does have two interfaces, a wlan0 and a eth0, that is why I specify eth0 in my suricata running.
I run tshark on the pi. I run it using sudo tshark in the user folder. By default tshark uses the eth0 interface.

The values from stats.log show 2161 packets were received (capture.kernel_packets) and that all of those were processed (decoder.ethernet).

You’re using ET rules – did you add the rules I listed earlier into that rule file?

What command line are you using to invoke Suricata?

I did add those rules.

I am using Putty to connect to the pi, and using that terminal window to run suricata.

Ok. I’m not sure why 4.1.2 is reporting 2 packets as we can see from stats.log many more are being processed.

Can you upgrade to 4.1.8?

What is the command to do that?

-bash: suricata-update: command not found
sudo apt-get upgrade suricata
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
suricata is already the newest version (1:4.1.2-2).
Calculating upgrade... Done
The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required:
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove it.
The following packages have been kept back:
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.

Try using the ubuntu ppa

Hello? suricata is already the newest version (1:4.1.2-2).

Thanks for your help, but I get this error: sudo: add-apt-repository: command not found

Sorry I get an error on that aswell. When I enter sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pj-assis/ppa
I get this error
aptsources.distro.NoDistroTemplateException: Error: could not find a distributio n template for Raspbian/buster. I don’t think I need to redownload suricata

Hi! Could you please tell how did you install the Suricata package that you are currently running?

I installed suricata by doing sudo apt-get install suricata