This might be related to this issue - Bug #6415: Suricata not populating http.header, http.header.raw and http.request_header buffers when malformed header value exists - Suricata - Open Information Security Foundation
I think, though i’m not 100% sure, but it kinda looks like libhtp is considering anything that isn’t exactly “chunked” (case insensitive) to be invalid.
htp_header_t *te = htp_table_get_c(tx->request_headers, "transfer-encoding");
// Check for the Transfer-Encoding header, which would indicate a chunked request body.
if (te != NULL) {
// Make sure it contains "chunked" only.
// TODO The HTTP/1.1 RFC also allows the T-E header to contain "identity", which
// presumably should have the same effect as T-E header absence. However, Apache
// (2.2.22 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS) instead errors out with "Unknown Transfer-Encoding: identity".
// And it behaves strangely, too, sending a 501 and proceeding to process the request
// (e.g., PHP is run), but without the body. It then closes the connection.
if (bstr_cmp_c_nocase(te->value, "chunked") != 0) {
// Invalid T-E header value.
tx->request_transfer_coding = HTP_CODING_INVALID;
} else {
// Chunked encoding is a HTTP/1.1 feature, so check that an earlier protocol
// version is not used. The flag will also be set if the protocol could not be parsed.
// TODO IIS 7.0, for example, would ignore the T-E header when it
// it is used with a protocol below HTTP 1.1. This should be a
int bstr_cmp_c_nocase(const bstr *b, const char *c) {
return bstr_util_cmp_mem_nocase(bstr_ptr(b), bstr_len(b), c, strlen(c));
int bstr_util_cmp_mem_nocase(const void *_data1, size_t len1, const void *_data2, size_t len2) {
const unsigned char *data1 = (const unsigned char *) _data1;
const unsigned char *data2 = (const unsigned char *) _data2;
size_t p1 = 0, p2 = 0;
while ((p1 < len1) && (p2 < len2)) {
if (tolower(data1[p1]) != tolower(data2[p2])) {
// Difference.
return (tolower(data1[p1]) < tolower(data2[p2])) ? -1 : 1;
if ((p1 == len2) && (p2 == len1)) {
// They're identical.
return 0;
} else {
// One string is shorter.
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