Suricata Sending Request & Response Bodies in multiple events due to alert rule

Hi all, I was using Suricata for monitoring traffic, I have a rule - alert http any any → any any (msg: “HTTP traffic detected-request”; sid:200002; rev:1;) And my configuration(suricata.yaml) file looks like -

  - eve-log:
       enabled: yes
       filetype: regular #regular|syslog|unix_dgram|unix_stream|redis
       filename: eve-reg.json

       # include the name of the input pcap file in pcap file processing mode
       pcap-file: false
       # enable/disable the community id feature.
       community-id: false
       # Seed value for the ID output. Valid values are 0-65535.
       community-id-seed: 0

          enabled: no

          - alert:
              payload: yes # enable dumping payload in Base64
              payload-buffer-size: 128kb # max size of payload buffer to output in eve-log
              payload-printable: no # enable dumping payload in printable (lossy) format
              metadata: yes # enable inclusion of app layer metadata with alert. Default yes
              http-body: yes # Requires metadata; enable dumping of HTTP body in Base64
              http-body-printable: no # Requires metadata; enable dumping of HTTP body in printable format
              # Enable the logging of tagged packets for rules using the
              # "tag" keyword.
              tagged-packets: yes
          - http:
              extended: yes # enable this for extended logging information
              dump-all-headers: both
          - http2:
              extended: yes # enable this for extended logging information
              dump-all-headers: both

For one single traffic(request to the server) containing request body around 70kb, I am getting roughly around 100 events which contain the request body in chunks, I am getting the headers in one single event in eve reg - (event_type: http) By any chance is it possible that I get the complete body in one single event.

Did you try to increase that value?

No, I didnt try,
My concern actually is -
Is there any way I can configure suricata such that it will accumulate all the request bodies and response bodies and send to me in one event

Do you have an example pcap, so we could try to reproduce it?