I installed Suricata 6.0.9 from tar
make install
make install-full
but service do not start
get below error
sudo systemctl status suricata.service
Unit suricata.service could not be found.
I installed Suricata 6.0.9 from tar
make install
make install-full
but service do not start
get below error
sudo systemctl status suricata.service
Unit suricata.service could not be found.
Suricata does not, from source install a systemd service unit file. There is an example file that can be updated as necessary and used on the system running suricata in the source tarball. The file is in the etc/ directory under the source root directory.
Hope that helps,
Hi sir
I find the “suricata.service” in the etc/ directory but how to use it ?
Sorry for the late reply. If you still have questions around using the suricata.service unit file, please start a new topic and we can see about answering any questions.