Warning: detect-flowbits: flowbit is checked but not set

How can i fix this warnings?

Warning: detect-flowbits: flowbit ‘dcerpc.rpcnetlogon’ is checked but not set. Checked in 2030870 and 6 other sigs [DetectFlowbitsAnalyze:detect-flowbits.c:595]
Warning: detect-flowbits: flowbit ‘ET.BonitaDefaultCreds’ is checked but not set. Checked in 2036817 and 0 other sigs [DetectFlowbitsAnalyze:detect-flowbits.c:595]

The warning message shows that the flowbits named dcerpc.rpcnetlogin and ET.BonitaDefaultCreds are checked but never set. Flowbits provide a way to maintain state across a flow. Checking a flowbit but never setting it means the rule(s) doing so have no effect and will never generate an alert if the flowbit’s never set. That’s why Suricata is warning you.

This may happen if a rule is commented out (leading whitespace or # on the line containing the rule). This is most often the cause if you’re using a commercially provided (either free or with cost) ruleset.