(James Moe)
June 3, 2022, 5:14pm
Suricata v6.0.5 (I did searched the doc)
I use drop.conf to block IPs. Recently I added what I thought was a valid entry for a range of rule IDs. Not so?
# ET TOR Known Tor Exit Node Traffic group 27 - 133
None of these IDs are dropped.
What is the correct syntax?
You use the drop.conf for suricata-update to generate the desired ruleset, correct?
Can you show the end result of the suricata-update run, so we can make sure those ET TOR rules are correctly converted to drop rules?
(James Moe)
June 5, 2022, 8:57pm
Ah. Silly me.
5/6/2022 -- 08:02:02 - <Warning> -- Failed to parse: "2520026-2520133"
5/6/2022 -- 08:02:02 - <Warning> -- Failed to parse: "2034660-2034699"
5/6/2022 -- 08:02:02 - <Warning> -- Failed to parse: "2034782-2034799"
5/6/2022 -- 08:02:02 - <Warning> -- Failed to parse: "2034800-2034839"
So what IS the correct syntax?
(Jason Ish)
June 6, 2022, 2:47pm
Looks like we don’t support range. Perhaps a regex might be better in this case?
(James Moe)
June 6, 2022, 5:45pm
A regex is better only because it is the only option. It needs multiple lines to do the same job as a range would.
Thank you.