Outreachy December 2021 - March 2022 Round: Introduce yourselves here!

Hi Sophia!

We’re busier this week due to SuriCon, but we’ve noticed that the other applicants did a great job in welcoming you around.

On top of that, we are still keeping an eye on the forum and redmine, so please feel comfortable in reaching out to ask questions or ask to claim tickets.

Happy contribution phase!

Hello everyone!

:wave:t5: I am Joana
:woman:t5: Pronouns: She/Her
:timer_clock: Timezone: UTC-3/Brasília
:brazil: I am from Salvador/Bahia/Brazil
:open_file_folder: In the past, I have worked on projects with Python, Django, C#, DotNet and React.
:heartpulse: I love makeup, dragqueens, books and skateboarding
:dog: I have two puppies called Pipoca (Popcorn) and Algodão Doce (Cottoncandy)
:books: I am really interested in topics like digital security, criptography, data privacy, programming, sysadmin, and how to apply this knowledge for social causes.
:crab: I want to apply for outreachy but I would love to become a long-term volunteer for the community.

Can any of you help me choose a first issue to start with? @sbhardwaj @jufajardini @vjulien


Hi Joana!

Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

Our projects page on the Outreachy site suggests a good approach to picking your first issue with Suricata, in case you are new to the project: check available good first issues.
These were planned to work as onboarding tasks, while one understands how our contribution process works.

The other suggested issues are the ones with the Outreachy label. The ones for converting our C unittests to the FAIL/PASS API may work as a good first issue, as well, if you feel comfortable with C and git.

Before you work on any issue, you’ll need to register on our redmine project, so please do that asap! Then, choose an issue and ask on the ticket itself if you can claim it - that’s the process for everyone, we prefer it to avoid having more than one person unknowingly working on the same issue :stuck_out_tongue:

If you ask to claim a ticket and get no response in the next 8 hours or so, please reach out to me or Shivani in private and share the ticket link: sometimes the redmine notifications don’t reach us…

As you know, this is the very final week in the contribution phase, so I’ll share with you the questions related to the final form: do fill it up, and good luck and lot of focus in these 5 days! :muscle:t4:


Hi Joana. Welcome to the community. We are happy to have you here.


Hi all!

:wave: I am Yenifer
:woman: Pronouns: She/Her
:mantelpiece_clock: Timezone: Latin America/Lima, Perú

:email: Contact me at yeniferalexgalarza@gmail.com

:bird: Tweets at https://twitter.com/YenGalPez
:notebook: Blog at https://medium.com/@yeniferalexandragapezo
:peru: I am from Peru.


Hello Yenifer!

Glad to see you around, we hope you have enough time to contribute and submit your final application :slight_smile:

If you have questions, please feel free to create a topic or use the general topic Outreachy contributions discussions

And don’t forget to submit your final application by tomorrow (check the timezone, please)!

Hi Yenifer. Great to have you here. :slightly_smiling_face:

I am a cyber security researcher from China,I want to contribute some ET PRO rules to your ET PRO rule set , if i can earn some money by cooperating with your compony(https://etadmin.proofpoint.com/)?

I have a lot of precise research on Chinese system of software or platforms. I have studyed many hot RAT tools、tunnels and so on.

I really hope to cooperate with you。

Best regards to you.

Hey leezp, as I answered in private, this is not the forum if you want to find opportunities with proofpoint! :wink: I hope you’ve found the right channels, and wish you good luck in your professional path =]

Hey there and welcome, Yinka! ^^

Hope you have fun contributing to Suricata and being part of our community.

As you know, if you find yourself struggling or need help understanding anything, you’re in the right place to ask :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the help Juliana :slight_smile:

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Hello Everyone!

I’m an Outreachy Contributor, I’m very excited to contribute to the Suricata Projects! Since my interests and skills align with the project!

:robot: :I am Robert
:man: : Pronouns: He / him
:mantelpiece_clock: Timezone: EET (Ternopil/Ukraine)
:briefcase: Currently I’m a software engineer, trying out different technologies and always learning
:space_invader: A Potential Outreachy Intern
:wink: : Hoping to contribute to Suricata!
:bird: @RobertRobertNg
:kenya: : I’m from Kenya


Hello Everyone!

I am an Outreachy applicant and really excited to be a part of this community.

:robot: :I am Haleema
:woman: : Pronouns: She / her
:mantelpiece_clock: Timezone:PKT, EST, PT (Lahore/Pakistan)
:briefcase: Integration engineer mainly working on middleware platforms Like Mulesoft, API development etc
:space_invader: A Potential Outreachy Intern
:pakistan: I’m from Pakistan


Hi Robert!
Really excited to see you here. Have you started the setup along with basic installation?

Hello Haleema,
Likewise! Yes I have started, the blog post shared on the Open Information Security Foundation project on Outreachy is very helpful. What about you, have you started the installation and are you facing any difficulties?

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I am currently doing the setup of Mac and hoping that I wouldn’t have to shift on linux.

Hopefully you manage! Incase I run into any issues i’ll definetely reach out to you [ Likewise]

Hello everyone!
I am an Outreachy applicant, this is my first experience with open source and I hope to contribute and learn a lot! :smile:

:cowboy_hat_face: I am Alice
:woman: Pronouns: She/Her
:mantelpiece_clock: Timezone: Rondônia/Brazil (AMT)
:brazil: I’m from Brazil
:mountain_biking_woman: I love to exercise and be in contact with nature


Hello there you all!

So happy to see new faces, and from different places, too! Do help each other with what you can, and if you need more assistance, we are here as well. You already know that the forum is a good place to ask questions, and if you need quick stuff, or just want to hangout with us, we’re also on Discord, as you know.

We may set up a channel focused on Outreachy interactions there, I’ll let you know if/when that happens (probably on Monday).

So glad to see another Brazilian around, too!

Hope you all have fun in this journey, and make some new good friends, too, along the way ^^


Looking forward to contributing here.
I am currently having some issues with my installation. Let me know if I should ask here or someplace else.Thanks