You’re very welcome to the humble abode of OISF created for you. Please make sure you have gone through the pinned post that explains the category before jumping in. This thread is for all the mentors and applicants to introduce and only introduce themselves. You can choose the length of introduction that you want to give for yourself. If you have any questions/ suggestions, please feel free to create a new topic for that.
Moving on, introducing myself…
I am Shivani. Pronouns: She/Her. Timezone: Asia/Kolkata. I am a member of OISF working on parts of Suricata and its auxiliary tools. In the past, I have worked on projects with C, Python, Django, AWS, PostgreSQL, Redis, Celery, and more as a developer and a DevOps engineer. Shivani Bhardwaj I’ll be one of your mentors and the coordinator for OISF. I’m available for any questions related to the Redmine tickets, Suricata project, Git, Rust, C. Contact me at in case of any CoC violations or anything you might want to improve that you’re not comfortable sharing in public.
I loved Shivani’s style, so I’ll take inspiration from it…
I am Juliana. Pronouns: She/Her (They/Them is also fine). Timezone: Europe/Lisbon. I am also a member of OISF working on parts of Suricata, mostly, and its documentation. In the past, I have worked on projects with C/C++, PHP, PostgreSQL, Drupal; but also as a Service Desk and Customer Support call center agent, and as a freelancer translator. I’ll be one of your mentors for OISF. I’m also available for any questions related to the Redmine tickets, Suricata project, Git, Rust, C… Contact me at jufajardini [at] oisf [dot] net in case of any CoC violations or anything you might not feel comfortable sharing in public. Juliana’s blog @jufajardini
I am from Brazil =] I love biking, rollerblade skating, and parkouring, when possible. I love cats, and animals and nature in general I am an Outreachy alum
Extra info: I like emojis a lot.
I am Victor Pronouns: He/Him Timezone: Europe/Amsterdam I’ll be one of your mentors for OISF. Leading the Suricata development effort, I’m also available for any questions related to the Redmine tickets, Suricata project, Git, Rust, C… Contact me at in case of any CoC violations or anything you might not feel comfortable sharing in public. In the past, I’ve mostly done Open source C development. Tweets at Blog at I am from the Netherlands
I am Jason. Pronouns: He/Him (They/Them is also fine). Timezone: Canada/Regina (GMT-6) I work for the OISF as a senior Suricata developer My experience is mostly with C and Rust these days, but have been known to developer rather large Python and Java apps, and the occasional web interface. I’ll be one of your mentors for the OISF Suricata project. I’m also available for any questions related to the Redmine tickets, Suricata project, Git, Rust, C… Contact me at in case of any CoC violations or anything you might not feel comfortable sharing in public. I’m from Canada
You can also register on redmine, in case you haven’t done so yet, and have a look at our “Good first issues”, or “Outreachy” issues. Both labels shall bring a list of tasks which you can choose to claim, to get started contributing and getting to know more about Suricata. Once registered, let us know, so we can grant you a developer role. Then, you can ask in any ticket which you would like to claim, and we’ll let you know if it is available.
Most of the initial steps are also described on the Outreachy dashboard for the projects, and on the blog post, so do check them out, too!
If more questions arise, feel free to create a new topic in under the Outreachy category, to help us keep the forum organized and make finding and answering questions easier.
Thank you so much for the assistance. I use a Mac Os, would that suffice for the development work? Also, I have a good knowledge of Javascript, but not Rust. However, I am willing to learn if that is ok.
Mac OS: As the Installation from GIT states: “Installing from GIT on other operating systems is basically the same, except that some commands are Ubuntu-specific (like sudo and apt-get). In case you are using another operating system, you should replace those commands by your operating-specific commands.” We do have colleagues who develop for Suricata using Macs, so my understanding is that it is possible. However, if any Mac OS-related issues arise, it might be harder to find the right answers on how to fix them.
The good side is that if you find differences, you could write a short guide explaining how to overcome those
If you can install Ubuntu as a dual-boot, or maybe have a virtual machine running ubuntu on your Mac, it might be easier, though.
Rust knowledge: it would be more challenging for you to go through the tasks if you don’t have knowledge of a language like Rust, but if you are willing to learn and have time to dedicate to following tutorials and getting started with it, you might be able to accomplish the contribution tasks, and keep improving as you go! In short: I suggest you try contributing to an issue and following a tutorial, and see how you progress
I’m an Outreachy Applicant, I’m very excited to contribute to the Suricata Projects! it aligns well with my field of work - Malware Analysis | Reverse Engineering - so along with investigating malicious traffic, Surely It would be a rich experience diving into the development side of the Suricata Project.
I am Sam Pronouns: She/Her | (They/Them is also fine) Timezone: EET (Cairo/Egypt) Currently I’m a Malware Researcher | Reverse Engineer, Projects involving C/C++, .Net, Python and a bit of Rust. In the past I did some Web Development with Django a Potential Outreachy Intern Infolink | Blogs @ghostinthehive I am from Egypt
If you have any questions, feel free to create a new topic under this Outreachy category. And when you feel ready, do ask to claim an issue in our redmine project tracker.
I’m an Outreachy Applicant, I’m very excited to contribute to the Suricata Projects!
: I am Barakat : Pronouns: She/Her Timezone: Nigeria (GMT+1) Currently I’m a software engineer, build react component library, interfaces etc Experience is mostly in javascript a Potential Outreachy Intern @ajadiabeeola : I am from Nigeria.
Thanks for this opportunity! Looking forward to learn and contribute!
Hi Juliana. I watched the webinar: A beginner’s guide to adding new features to Suricata. I see you were also new to rust when you started contributing to Suricata. Quite Inspiring! Could you advise on a few tutorials that helped you? I think it would really help. Thank you.
Hi Barakat, Hi Sam, nice to meet you. I trust we would have a great time contributing and collaborating.
I’m also an Outreachy applicant, I see you found the Topic: Outreachy contributions discussions where we discuss common errors in testing, installation …etc.
There is also a Rust Tutorials For Beginners Topic for suggested materials to learn Rust, You should check it out!