Why do I need to drop http explicitly?

With the following rules

pass http $HOME_NET any -> 80 (http.host;content:"example.com"; endswith;sid: 300;)
pass tcp $HOMET_NET any <> 80 (flow: not_established; sid: 200;)
drop ip any any <> any any (sid: 100;)

I am able to still curl non example.com

However, when added one more lines

pass http $HOME_NET any -> 80 (http.host;content:"example.com"; endswith;sid: 300;)
pass tcp $HOME_NET any <> 80 (flow: not_established; sid: 200;)
drop http $HOME_NET any -> 80 (http.header_names; content:"|0d 0a|"; startswith; sid:400;)
drop ip any any <> any any (sid: 100;)

I no longer able to curl non example.com

The question is I am using default order.So adding any drop rules shan’t block existing traffics.Could anyone explain why it doesn’t work as expected

Does it work if you just use the last drop rule and no pass rule upfront?
Also there is a typo in the first example “HOMET_NET”.

Referring to

Does it work if you just use the last drop rule and no pass rule upfront?

Could you show me the sample rules?

I meant your last rule:

drop ip any any <> any any (sid: 100;)

if just this would work, although blocking all