It’s a tight schedule, but the game isn’t over before it ends, right? Please do introduce yourself in the Introductions topic under this category, and have fun with your contribution phase ^^
I am Ashabori.
Is this the right thread to post question for Dec24-Mar25 interns?
My query is that my Linux device uses the Kali Linux operating system, but on a 4 GB RAM. Will that be a big problem? Can you please adivse me on how I can optimize it?
About this being the right place for asking questions: While you are in the right category, when you have a new question, that has not been addressed by another topic, you can just create a new one. From the Outreachy category main page (Outreachy - Suricata), or even the forum, don’t feel afraid of using that + New Topic button, if you don’t find what you’re looking for!
Now, with regards to your machine specifications: if you are able to run Suricata for testing purposes, and if you are able to run your coding program of choice, it might be slow, but you should be able to go through the contribution phase.
I’m not good at optimizations, but what I did during my contribution phase and first weeks of internship, with my old laptop, was to only have the software that I needed, open, when I was contributing